VITAM – Training & LEGO Serious Play


Vitam is the healthy facility catering service provider that tempts people to a healthy and responsible lifestyle with tasty food and drinks. Vitam employees are passionate about good food & drinks and hospitality. Vitammers are already entrepreneurial, but now and then they can show a little more guts, without becoming arrogant. This is the challenge Vitam approached STUDIO.WHY with.

No guts no glory training
Icebaths in a training


In a two-day training, participants experience what it is like to step out of the comfort zone and discuss with each other what it takes at VITAM to step out of the comfort zone more often and show more courage. A few weeks after the training, we facilitated meaningful conversations with Lego Serious Play, in which concrete small actions were made in which colleagues can support each other in showing more guts.


Vitammers have experienced what it’s like to have guts and step out of the comfort zone. In addition, valuable conversations were held about what is needed in the workplace to show more courage and how everyone can contribute to this.

LEGO Serious Play

"We are the new kid on the block, the sessions facilitated by STUDIO.WHY helped us te show how proud we are to make the difference in vitality!"

- Commissioner Vitam

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