KRAFT Heinz – reducing staff turnover


The food industry is challenged with attracting and maintaining talent within the organization. For the largest meat processing company in Europe we are looking at the retention of employees coming from abroad. Most people from Eastern Europe are working a short period of time and then head back to their home country. How might we make employees from Eastern Europe stay with the company longer?

Food Battle Food


The Food Battle is a three day event where young professionals from the food industry work on a challenge together. In multidisciplinary teams they are guided through the steps of STUDIO.WHY Design Thinking and come up with an innovative solution. Besides the solution they also work on their network, energized working and creative mindset.


After the Food Battle not only did participants learn about Design Thinking and innovative/creative ways of working. Mostly they learned how to manage their energy levels. After the Food Battle participants left with fresh new energy to go back to work in a period of time where it is usually very busy and hectic. Most colleagues were burned out at the end of the year, Food Battle participants were refreshed and ready to go to work.


"My colleagues were amazed about my energy levels at the end of the year. I believe it came from 3 days of Food Battle at STUDIO.WHY!"

- Marianna Kanakidi, participant Food Battle

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